Connected Communities

Partnering with businesses that operate within high pressure or reactive work environments, Know Your Workplace collaborates with businesses and their employee’s whānau to facilitate a series of Connected Communities workshops. Tailored to suit the individual needs of each community. This preventative approach addresses the wellbeing concerns their whānau have raised, providing support through mental health tools and strategies.

Programmes like EAP are great – but they rely on the individual to make contact to get help.

Often (like it was in my case) other people may recognise your struggles before you do. Connected Communities ensures that your employee’s home environment is safer, with whānau more prepared to notice and address any changes to your employee’s mental health. 

When your employee is operating within a high-pressure work environment, the impacts of their roles don’t just stay at work. 

Following the Connected Communities workshops, whānau receive a handbook summarising the workshops, and a guide of the local social services and mental health professionals operating within their area. 

In addition, Know Your Workplace can provide organisations with a report summarising their Communities insights, including recommendations to contribute towards your organisation’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing strategy.

Our Workshops